K Deep

Special Function
Sometimes when it is not possible to keep the Stick out constant a series of defects can occur on the joint, such as:




The penetration is depending most of the times from current intensity. As a result of this at each current variation corresponds a penetration change. As for this reason Weco has developed the function K-deep, conceived in order to keep even the penetration during welding, independently from stick out variations.

The K-Deep function adjusts dynamically and simultaneously, during welding, both wire speed and pulse current parameters. It is possible, thanks to this function, to keep controlled, in different operating conditions, both the transfer and the heat-input on the welding pool. The K-Deep function is exclusively available on the Weco Power sources Power Pulse 405 d and 505 d and can be activated only from the synergic impulse programs mode HC (High Control). As for this, it is possible to integrate the advantages of the HC programs such as high deposition rate, excellent arc stability and penetration to the additional advantages supplied with the further K-deep performance.

The end result is an optimal combination of features able to perform high quality welding characterized by regular weldment dimensions, constant penetration and reduced joints ‘defects. Safety weldments are here guaranteed also by Stick-out changes.

The effectiveness of the function K-Deep together with the advantages of the HC Process, such as high deposition rate, excellent arc stability and increased welding speed, allow to reach a final result simply perfect.

start: 239A        Wire speed 16,0 m/min
end: 187A        Wire speed filo 16,0 m/min
Penetration reduction  30% 

start: 243A        Wire speed  16,0 m/min
end: 218A        Wire speed  19,6 m/min
Penetration reduction 4% 


 Download firmware (Power Pulse Digital) FW 1.0.3-6207